Panel talk, law and art, Stanford Law School, October 2024.
Appellate writing for law firms
For law firms and attorneys only.
Am Law 100 Partner-level legal briefs from a legal writing specialist.
Emphasis on appellate briefing (federal and state appeals), dispositive trial court motions (summary judgment, motions to dismiss, demurrers); petitions en banc; and petitions for certiorari / oppositions (SCOTUS).
Scroll for testimonials, examples of repeat business, and credentials.
Why freelancing? I unexpectedly became a successful gallery-represented conceptual artist in 2017.
2025 Update —now semi-retired and taking new matters selectively.
Recent testimonial — March 2024 — “You’re like the MVP who helps get us to the playoffs every time.” — Founder of Los Angeles boutique litigation firm; repeat work for this firm for five years.
Recent example of complex briefing — January 2024 — Briefing to the Maine Supreme Court (Maine Law Court) on issues of first impression under state law including attorney-client privilege, attorney-client conflicts of interest, breaches of fiduciary duties by lawyers; rules of professional responsibility; legal malpractice; legal ethics in the context of torts.
Recent example of constitutional law and civil rights work—February 2025—Complaint in federal district court: RICO enterprise and conspiracy (18 U.S.C. 1962(c), (d)); civil rights violations (42 U.S.C. 1983, 1985(3), 1986); conspiracy against rights (18 U.S.C. 241); interference with Fourteenth Amendment rights and federal and state civil rights of an individual with a mental illness disability.
(207) 699-9957 |
Why do I freelance?
I left full-time practice upon unexpectedly becoming a gallery-represented conceptual artist in 2017.
My last two solo shows were selected as ‘Must See’ in Chicago by Artforum Magazine. Additional favorable international art press including in Mousse Magazine (Italy).
The gallery, Engage Projects, located in Chicago, represents about 20 conceptual artists from seven countries. It places 2 to 3 of my pieces with established collections each year.
Update — third solo show announced, February 28 - April 12, 2025, Engage Projects Gallery Chicago — “This Is Post-Theory Art”
I also write about art theory in relation to Conceptual Art, Post-conceptual Art, Theory Art, and Post-Theory Art, including in this most recent article, September 2024, on SSRN, the Social Science Research Network:
Oil on canvas, 80 x 54 in. Group Show, Palm Beach Florida, 2022. Courtesy Engage Projects Gallery Chicago and Arts & Conversations Gallery Palm Beach.
2025 Negotiable major market rate — $375 / hour.
Let’s make it work to fit your law firm’s particular market and your particular needs. Payment is by your law firm, not your client.
J.D., Stanford Law, 1999. Law Review. Moot Court.
B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1994.
Clerkship, The Hon. Franklin S. Van Antwerpen, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, 2004-2006
Decade of practice at top Am Law 100 firms (appellate, complex commercial litigation, antitrust, and IP litigation) at Gibson Dunn & Crutcher (San Francisco office) and Crowell & Moring (Washington, D.C. office).
Licensed in California (1999), the District of Columbia (2001), and Maine (2009).
SOME Examples
Late 2023 — Successful opposition to Petition for Writ of Certiorari, U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS), on intellectual property / copyright issues.
Mid 2023 — Successful opposition to motion for summary judgment re financial contract issues, California state law.
Early 2023 — Ninth Circuit appeal on SLAPP / Anti-SLAPP issues under California state law.
Early 2023 — Two additional successful summary judgment oppositions on tort and causation issues.
Some Testimonials
[last updated early 2024]
“Stellar” — Partner at Los Angeles boutique litigation firm re a Ninth Circuit brief on corporate law issues. Repeat work.
“Excellent work and very cool to work with.” — Partner / founder at Los Angeles boutique litigation firm; four repeat summary judgment motions. For years of repeat work.
“I love working with you and am sending another summary judgment project this week.” —- Partner and founder of a boutique litigation firm in Los Angeles, California. Three years of repeat work.
“I keep calling you and using your briefs with virtually no changes, what higher compliment is there?” Senior partner at San Francisco complex litigation and class action firm. Two years of repeat work.
“Adam is an all-star.” —- Partner at a Southern California litigation firm; three summary judgment projects in the past year.
“I trust your writing and I trust the way you think.” — Silicon Valley solo practitioner formerly from Biglaw. Repeat work including recent Ninth Circuit brief re corporate and transactional issues.
“We are very happy with the brief and are filing it today.” — Two partners at Philadelphia / New York City intellectual property boutique re a Sixth Circuit brief on contract law and soft IP issues.
“Fantastic again! I trust you 100%. More work coming.” — Las Vegas small firm partner re federal constitutional law matters, Section 1983, and Bivens claims. Five repeat projects and referrals to co-counsel in California.
“Excellent, thanks Adam! And thanks for working with us on pricing. We want to work with you again.” — Partner at same Philadelphia / metro New York media law boutique re a reply brief in the Sixth Circuit.
“Your [federal court] MTD was outstanding, especially on the RICO issues. I’m going to recommend you to all of my friends.” — Philadelphia antitrust class action attorney. Repeat work pending.
“Hey, thanks again. Excellent draft, just what I needed. I’ll be in touch for the next round.” — New York City federal false claims act (qui tam) small firm partner re drafting false claims act complaint.
“Five stars — Adam is efficient and responsive. He is clearly skilled and learned. Very happy for his help on my project.” — Partner at Los Angeles midsize law firm. Repeat work.
“The [two summary judgment] opposition briefs written by Adam were excellent.” — Partner and leading California appellate lawyer.
“I call Adam again and again because he does great work.” — Partner at a New York City boutique IP litigation firm.
“I first called Adam for a brief because of his clerkship. I keep calling him because he knows how to litigate and he’s a great sounding board for strategy on my projects.” — Silicon Valley solo practitioner. Repeat work.
“Adam polishes my motions, writes briefs from scratch, and in some ways serves as an outside senior associate. He gets the big picture fast, and he meets my clients’ budgets.” — California partner at three-partner law firm.
“It was a pleasure working with you and I will be in touch soon [for more brief writing].” Southern California sole practitioner. Repeat work.
“I can’t believe what a great fit you are with my practice. Thank you.” — Silicon Valley IP and business litigator. Six repeat projects.
“Once again your help has been invaluable, and I will have more projects for you [next month].” Partner at small Silicon Valley / Bay Area business litigation boutique.
“Your [motion to dismiss pursuant to Fed. R. 12(b)(6)] in federal court was very, very good” — Pennsylvania / New Jersey complex litigation attorney.
Repeat Business Examples
[last updated mid-2023]
For a Palo Alto / Silicon Valley small law firm, 2021-2022: Pending appeal in California state court (appellee — commercial / business litigation). Repeat work: Successful opposition briefs to demurrer and motion to strike (financial and intellectual property / IP litigation). Asked to advise on litigation strategies.
For a Los Angeles litigation boutique, 2021-2022: Three opposition motions in trusts and estates / probate contexts; two successful, one pending.
For a Los Angeles midsize law firm, 2018-2022: Successful summary judgment opposition brief and separate statement of material facts in California state court (tort claims), 2018. Repeat work: Second successful MSJ opposition memorandum of P&A and SSMF (strict liability), 2019. Asked to advise on case strategies, oral argument prep, and Writs (personal injury / causation), 2021. Addition work: Draft evidentiary objections, deposition analysis, declarations, 2018-2020. Recently called for next projects in federal court, 2022.
For a Las Vegas solo practitioner: Opposition to Rule 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss, 2020; Ninth Circuit Appellant’s brief, 2021; motion for reconsideration and evidentiary motions, 2022.
For a metro New York City law firm: Successful motion to compel in Federal District Court for a qui tam action (Chicago). Repeat work: Draft complaints in Federal District Court for two more whistleblower / False Claims Act actions (Philadelphia). More repeat work: Second motion to compel in Federal District Court (Seattle) for another fraud action. Five additional repeat projects; more repeat work pending.
For a San Francisco / Bay Area small law firm: Successful summary judgment opposition motion (soft IP / trade secrets / copyright) in Federal District Court.
For a Los Angeles midsize law firm: Successful opposition brief in response to motion for summary judgment (commercial real estate claims) in California state court. Repeat work: Second successful MSJ opposition brief (fraud, financial claims). Three additional repeat matters to date including handling overflow motions practice writing.
For a New York City / Manhattan midsize law firm: Draft sections of brief in response to motion for summary judgment in multiparty complex litigation matter (federal statutory claims) in Federal District Court (SDNY).
For a Los Angeles midsize law firm: Opposition memorandum of points and authorities in response to motion for summary judgment (Fourth Amendment) in Federal District Court (Oregon).
For a San Francisco / Bay Area midsize law firm: Complex discovery motion with civil procedure and spoliation issues in Federal District Court for mass tort class action (San Diego); repeat work pending.
For a Palo Alto / Silicon Valley solo practitioner: Draft successful opposition to demurrer and opposition to motion to strike briefs (corporation and LLC disputes); strategy and analysis while polishing other memoranda of points and authorities; multiple repeat projects; continuing.
For a New York City / Manhattan IP boutique, legal research and draft work product regarding alleged copyright infringement in novel / question of first impression social media / fashion context. Repeat work: Legal research and draft work product regarding trademark infringement (Lanham Act) of intellectual property in second fashion context.
For a Los Angeles / Orange County midsize law firm: Case sounding board / strategy / consulting, legal research regarding privilege and waiver, and expert witness analyses under the Arizona Rules of Evidence for matters in Arizona state court and Washington, D.C. (business reputation / defamation and related financial claims with multiple experts). Three projects to date.
For a San Jose / Silicon Valley midsize law firm: Intellectual property (IP) legal research and writing (memorandum) on short / rush turnaround for California mediation.
For a Manhattan / New York City environmental boutique law firm: Draft sections of omnibus / consolidated opposition to Rule 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss in Federal District Court (New Jersey) with underlying issues of standing, choice of law, statutory interpretation, statute of limitations, equitable tolling, and fraud.
For a Las Vegas litigation boutique: Rule 12(b)(6) opposition brief (Section 1983 / Section 1985 conspiracy / Bivens / related FTCA claims; potential circuit split on statute of limitation issue) in Federal District Court (Nevada) under Twombly / Iqbal / plausibility standard. Repeat work: Preliminary pretrial statement; pending Ninth Circuit appeal.
For a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania small law firm: Memorandum of points and authorities in opposition to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss also involving Rule 8, Rule 9(b) particularity, and subject matter jurisdiction (SMJ) issues.
For a San Francisco litigation boutique: Draft sections of Ninth Circuit appeal involving statutory interpretation, Erie, and privacy law issues.
For a Southern California litigation boutique: Draft Ninth (9th / CTA9) Circuit brief; pending.
For a Las Vegas solo practitioner: Pending motion to suppress (Fourth Amendment / constitutional criminal procedure issues / admissibility issues under the Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE)).
For a Southern California Firm — draft complaints and causes of action including California’s unfair competition law (UCL) under Business and Professions Code Section 17200 and under California’s Consumer Legal Remedies Act (CLRA) regarding false and deceptive advertising; pending.
For a Las Vegas, Nevada firm: Draft criminal motion to suppress on Fourth (4th) Amendment grounds in criminal trial; separately, draft Ninth (9th / CTA9) brief regarding Section 1983, Bivens, and FTCA common law actions); pending.
For a Maine small law firm: Opposition brief and separate statement of material facts in response to motion for summary judgment under FRCP 56 in Federal District Court (Constitutional law / Fourth Amendment issues); subsequent repeat work.
For a Detroit, Michigan solo practitioner: Opposition brief in response to MSJ (commercial and financial litigation) in Federal District Court (Miami / Florida); subsequent repeat work (contract disputes).
For a San Diego litigator: Draft discovery (requests for admission (RFAs), special interrogatories (Rogs), and requests for production of documents (document requests); serve as strategic sounding board for discovery.
Sixth Circuit Appellant’s brief re copyright / licensing / media issues (successful reversal);
Ninth Circuit Appellant’s brief re commercial / business issues (submitted, pending);
California state court Appellee’s brief re SLAPP / anti-SLAPP / defamation (submitted, pending);
Ninth Circuit Appellant’s brief re federal constitutional law, Section 1983, and FTCA issues (submitted, pending);
Several federal and state court motions for summary judgment ranging from business torts to personal injury claims to class actions practice.
Several Fed. R. 12(b)(6) motions to dismiss ranging from contracts to civil RICO;
Several demurrers in California state court ranging from contracts and business torts to trusts and estates / probate litigation.
Several federal and state court motions for summary judgment ranging from business torts to personal injury claims to class actions practice.
Multiple filings related to the above (motions re class certification and decertification, motions for nonsuit, complex discovery motions, fee petitions, drafts of writs, motions for reconsideration, evidentiary objections, motions in limine, trial briefs, etc.)
Subsequent sounding board re next litigation steps in several matters including soft IP matters (copyright, trade secret, and trademark issues).
MORE On art + Advocacy
When not writing winning briefs for repeat customer firms, I’m a conceptual artist —
I left the full-time practice of law in 2017 when I unexpectedly became a commercially successful conceptual artist. A prominent New York / Los Angeles collector discovered me, I was offered representation by a noted international gallery in 2020, my first two solo shows (2021, 2023) have both been selected ‘Must See’ by Artforum, the 2023 solo show was also a curatorial section of Mousse and made the front cover with a short article, and as of early 2023 a prominent London / Berlin art advisor ranks me in the top ten percent living artists worldwide and in the United States, and in the top five percent globally for artists associated with Postminimalism, Postconceptualism, Conceptual Painting, Appropriation Art, and Text-Based Art. Smaller works are currently approximately ten thousand and the largest works are twenty-five thousand. My pieces are in private and corporate collections in places such as New York, Los Angeles, London, Paris, Chicago, Miami, and elsewhere.
I’m represented by Engage Projects Gallery in Chicago, which enjoys a growing international reputation in contemporary conceptual art with a roster of twenty artists from eight countries on several continents, several of whom have been acquired by the leading museums in the United States and Europe and have been featured in The New York Times and similar. I’m fortunate to be in a gallery with these excellent international artists.
In addition to making art I write occasionally write about aspects of art theory and art history, as well as art ownership. (gallery) (portfolio)
Adam Wilson, Esq.
The Historic Marlborough Building
180 High Street #14
Portland, Maine 04101
Two blocks from the Portland Museum of Art
One block from the Westin Harborview Hotel in downtown Portland, Maine
Sidebar — updated March 2025
Adam Daley Wilson (b. 1971, United States) is a conceptual artist and art theorist represented by ENGAGE Projects Gallery in Chicago. The gallery represents about 20 mid-career artists from seven countries working in painting, photography, sculpture, and video. Daley Wilson lives and works in Portland, Maine.
His first two solo shows were selected by Artforum Magazine as 'Must See' shows in Chicago, and his second show, This Is Text Based Art, also received positive international press.
His third solo show, This Is Post-Theory Art, will be at Engage Projects in Chicago from May 16 to June 28, 2025. More about the show is here.
Daley Wilson is also an emerging public interest lawyer who works to end the exploitation of mental illness stigma by attorneys in the court system. His advocacy regarding mental illness stigma exploitation dates to a first installation and performance art piece at The Other Art Fair in New York City in 2017 and also includes print and television coverage.
Daley Wilson has been recognized by London-based Artfacts as one of the top 100 living artists globally who is practicing art activism and who is associated with text-based art, post-conceptual art, and post-minimalism.
Recent activist work, as both an artist and a lawyer, includes developing new legal theories of first impression about constitutional rights and mental illness; and then filing legal complaints in state and federal courts about the public issue of mental illness exploitation by attorneys in the legal system. The work is both art activism and legal activism regarding open questions of law not yet decided by courts. Short videos relating to a current project are: a, b, c, d, e. As a legal practice, this is public interest impact litigation. As an art practice, it is Artist-Placed Documents Within Public Institutions. The art theory behind the practice and the activism is available in articles published on Medium.
Separately, on SSRN, the Social Science Research Network, recent art theory scholarship includes: Daley Wilson, Adam, Conceptual Theory Art as a Method for Interdisciplinary Research, Hypothesis, and Critical Analysis Both Within and Beyond Traditional Western Social Sciences (August 01, 2024). Available at SSRN:
His art portfolio site is here.
More details — (a) extended article on Medium … (b) short overview at BP1 Conceptual Art … (c) YouTube link … and Daily Motion link … Underlying Federal District Court Complaint is here.